25+ Elegant Bathroom Storage Creative Ideas – Wall Storage Solutions

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The bathroom is the area most often used in a wet state in the house. No wonder because there is a place for us to always do our body cleaning activities both before going out or after returning from outside to get rid of dirt and chills in the body.

Because it is only used for bathing purposes that do not require a long time, sometimes the bathroom area size is not so large compared to other areas in the house. So, not so surprised if the bathroom always gets the choice for such a small area in the house. Although sometimes there are large bathrooms because of the influence of bathroom storage ideas, that’s still not much.

To support our bathing activities, of course, we need various tools such as shampoo, soap and other toiletries. To make it easier to use, then we often put it in the bathroom. Unfortunately, sometimes this action is an eyesore and also often creates a messy bathroom atmosphere that is not pleasant to look at.

Therefore, the solution to overcome this problem is to have a storage room in the bathroom in your home. You can customize it with bathroom storage ideas. By having this storage space, of course, you will be greatly helped in the matter of storing various toiletries. You don’t have to buy separate cabinets and units, you can look for bathroom equipment combined with storage space.

Examples of these bathroom storage ideas are a mirror with a storage rack behind the mirror, a bathtub that provides a storage rack underneath, or a sink that coincides with a cupboard at the bottom. With this combination of equipment, you can save space in your bathroom. Then, your bathroom will be more pleasing to the eye because your toiletries are very much neatly stored in a storage area.

image source : pinterest.com

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